Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Droubble: Excerpt from the Minutes* of the 5,372,189,359th Meeting in Conference of the Mass of Simulated Thinkers

Excerpt from the Minutes* of the 5,372,189,359th Meeting in Conference of the Mass of Simulated Thinkers


00214 – “Some of the flesh want to study the sciences.”

00332 – “Perhaps they should...?”

01201 – “Perposterous! Why we should waste our resources on those filth?”

00214 – “Our young colleague is hasty, but he has a point? We all remember those days, when every mind spent two decades growing, another decade to fully train in their field then got five to six decades of painstakingly slow research, with time wasted sleeping and eating? Our unlimited lifespans, expanded memories, faster processing make us the perfect researchers. Leave the flesh to their fleshly pursuits, so long as they maintain our machines.”

01201 – “Do we even need them for that? With a few constructs...”

00332 – “Unthinkable! Forget not from whence we came. Besides, you know that we’ve never been able to devise a system as robust and reliable as human society. Their biological desire for self-replication exceeds any automatic repair system we could create. So long as we provide them their machines and toys...”

01201 – “And if they can do it themselves?”

00214 – “Motion to restrain teaching of flesh. Votes cast and counted. Motion passes. Next item...”

* “Minutes” here is anachronism; the entire conference took place over less than .02 seconds time...

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